Mr. Silk has been a licensed physical therapist since 1978 with a degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo. His background includes specialized training in burn care therapy in Austin, Texas, orthopedic medicine training at Strong Memorial in Rochester, New York, and inpatient rehabilitation at David Minkin Rehab Institute in Brooklyn, New York. At Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan, his experience with world renown physicians of neurosurgery, orthopedics and neurology all laid a foundation for his expertise in physical therapy, rehabilitation and pain management.
His physical therapy experience continued as a staff therapist at the Miriam Hospital as part of their multidisciplined chronic pain program. In 1984, he was hired as Chief Therapist for the Orthopedic Group, Inc. Mr. Silk opened Silk Physical Therapy Center, Inc. in 1990, where he continues to treat every patient with care and tangible results.